Articles, News & Media

  • Branching out beyond hospice: End-of-Life Coalition encompasses grief and healing

    The Mountaineer

  • Heartfelt Haywood hosts holiday grief gathering for families and children

    The Mountaineer

  • Smithing sentiments: creative healing jewelry workshops serve as outlet for processing grief

    The Mountaineer

Whalen’s Testimonial

Thank you for your support and this opportunity to briefly share some of my experience with grief and my gratitude for all of you here. I am a father forced into single parenthood when my wife Monica died due to cancer. Our son Rowan was two and half years old at the time and he does remember. Recently, I had work trip where I was away from him at a distance of more than a short drive for multiple nights for the first time since his mom died. In the couple of days before he spoke about how momma didn’t talk when she came back from the hospital, so we talked about how my work trip was different, where I would be going, and what I would be doing, and what he would be doing. And thank goodness for FaceTime. What struck me is that the anxiety was high for both of us, this big “first” since Monica died and processing these emotions is hard.

Grief is Hard.

The programs that exist and that are in
development because of the support from
you all here make it a little less hard. Thank you.

To close, I’d like to share this short poem by Sara Rian:

we are carried
Yesterday was a hard day
And I missed you.
Today was a good day.
And I missed you.
I don’t know what
Tomorrow will bring.
But. I. Will. Miss. You.